
Showing posts with the label Minimal Logo

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Harvest the Best, Care the Rest

Caring for the Land: Sustainable Practices: Good farmers care for the land they use. This means practices like crop rotation, using cover crops, and minimizing tillage to maintain soil health and fertility. It's like taking care of your garden, ensuring future harvests. Water Management: Responsible water usage is crucial. Farmers employ irrigation techniques that deliver the right amount of water to crops, minimizing waste and ensuring long-term water availability for the land. Make a Simple Beautiful Logo Caring for Animals: Animal Welfare: Many farmers prioritize the well-being of their animals. This includes providing proper shelter, nutrition, and veterinary care. Happy and healthy animals produce better quality products. Human Practices: Minimizing stress during handling and transport is an aspect of care. Some farms even focus on organic or free-range practices, allowing animals more natural behaviors. Caring for the Community: Local Food Systems: Many farmers par...

Finance Support in Ghana

 Company Name: Standard&Cape The company is a consultancy firm based in Ghana, focusing on legal, foreign policy, and development issues. They do The research, publish and advise on all areas of community and national development. The 'Standard' of the name reflects the work They hope to be doing with government agencies and the 'cape' reflects the work they do for communities. They are hoping to build a brand with international professional appeal. Order Details:  It was a Professional Plan :)  Professional Plan Details>> Three Concepts for Selection Printable High Resolution Logo Transparency JPEG & PNG Source File Mockup Here are the Multiple Designs Made By The Designer of Our Community :) See More Designs View Details of Bezly Rashni

Design Simple and Professional Logo by Bezlyrashni | Fiverr

Transparent Order Process to Realize how easy it is to work with me! Design Simple and Professional Logo by Bezlyrashni | Fiverr Clients Placed an Order With Professional Plan Gig Package Professional plan Package details Unlimited Revisions 3 days delivery 3 concepts included Transparent Background/Logo transparency Printable high-resolution files Raw Vector file Mockup Preview/3D mockup Source file Check Other Packages Order Requirements/(Buyer provided Details) 1 - Logo Texts / Company Name / Business Name Handyman Chris 2- Slogan / Tagline ( if you have any ) ( Optional ) Friendly neighbourhood handyman 3- If you have any Fixed idea about the design or color suggestion (optional) Warmer colors please but not bright. Eg a dull orange 4- Little Details of your Company or Business The startup, Homecare, Painting, Decorating, Plumbing, Shelves, gardening etc. Relaxed style, careful contractor, nice guy. So, It's the delivery time! I have made the delivery with 3 concepts ...

Logo Should Be Simple So Memorable

Professional Logo Can Manage Your Business Hundred Times Better! Like everything else in life, change is expected. And since this applies to practically everything, your logo probably will not be forgotten. If you're wedded to your work and don't have time to take in the teensy weensy, yet crucial details of your company, then you probably haven't noticed that your logo is old news  as well as to be redesigned. Like everything else in visuals industry, logo trends vary from time to time and  keeping abreast with probably the most recent fashions is crucial. So, what really differentiates a correct logo from an ineffective one? From a word: ease-of-use. The more components in a logo, a lot more colors, tougher elements, outside difficult it really is be to recognize and ultimately, to duplicate. See Pro Designer's Portfolio In addition, if you ever need to embroider your Logo onto a uniform, promotional give-away, or materials in a retail store or office, having a log...

High Quality Logo Can Earn Your Business Million Bucks

What Can A Logo Do For The Business? A logo can seem so extremely. and therein lies the danger. In terms of one's brand, your logo fundamentally playing the role that confront would play in a personal one-on-one paying. It needs staying clean, precise, and free to tell a narrative.   In the very first 60's the creative works of Andy Warhol presented a unique look in the world. His works came to be known as Pop-Art. This movement permeated the ranks of commercial television, movies and main stream ad. Logo shapes and design became more "iconic" in element. McDonalds dropped the little burger guy popping out of the golden arches in favor of the stand-alone golden arches. What Are Important When Making Logo ? Designing a Logo a hospital? Forget funny talk to. Be serious and try to represent wellness with color and shape. Quite simply try pertaining to being appropriate so you can keep along with mood for the organization or individual. Designing for a kids school would ...


Do you think it's so easy to grab CONCENTRATION (the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort)   Is it really so easy to ? Make first IMPRESSION (an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence) As a positive vibration! Or As a lovely feelings :) LET'S GET TO THE ANSWER It really doesn't matter that your Business , Company or Product needs to be so big to having a great identity. But it does make sense that how much do you love or how passionate you are. Every Small Business , Standard Business, Premium Business have the right to make their own unique professional Identity Iconic Logo Design So, If you really do care! Then you should invest a little to hire a professional experienced Identity Expert . For making you a GREAT , SIMPLE but  ATTRACTING , MINIMAL but CREATIVE , EYE CATCHING but MEANINGFUL ! PORTFOLIO | MINIMAL LOGO | DESIGN SAM...

Why you should Design a Professional Logo With a Professional Designer?

Logo works as a identity for the company or product or business. Logo is also a communication medium between customers and provided services. That's why your Logo need to be easy and simple to understand. It is also need to be attractive and present that energy attract the audiences. Like above Logo does lots of things happen consciously and unconsciously. So you really need a professional knowledgeable designer . And we are saving your time and money to provides creative designers , who mostly work for inner satisfaction! Cause designing is their hobby & passion. We hopefully count on them to get you best experiences with highly professional design! See the PORTFOLIO PAGE for Sample Services to Logo design for every gig package   Logo transparency for using with any background  Submitted design with multiple color preview Mock up for standard preview Main concept with suggestion design Logo editable raw vector file  Usable file types for web High ...

Design Your Company Or Product Logo

Need a logo design ? This should be classic or modern, simple & professional, creative & eye catching! Also that will represent the business value to audience and attract them to engage! For your great help we are providing to you Services to logo design for any package > * Logo Transparency for using with any background * Submitted design with multiple color preview * Main concept with suggestion design * Mockup for 3D preview * Logo editable raw files * Usable file formats for web * High resolution for big banner and printing * 100% custom made design * Unique and Attractive design from competitors * The design will improve your productivity  So, it's a recommended graphics design service for your design purpose. And also the service is for any kind of Industries, Company, Product wherever it is online business or local business. Sample Design > View more

Do Professional Logo Design for Food or Restaurant

Hi! Good Morning, have a cup of coffee with us :) you are gonna have a great day! sponsored by Lakeview Coffee     Also in this day you should think about your carrier & about a business ! What can earn you some extra money $$$ You can do something like> upgrade your business to more professional Or Start a new business today & simply brand the business to hire a branding designer | graphic designer | myLogoZone provides you the designers who will help you with full branding process! Direct Designer for Discuss> Bezly Rashni Make your free Logo Here > Do it Order Be Our Side we will help you directly See More Thanks & Regards, myLogoZone

Need a custom professional logo design?

Custom Logo Design Looking for Professional logo ideas ? The professional freelance logo designers at Logo Zone will inspire you with their unique design creations. Designers are currently working with Fiverr market place View the designer's portfolio and get your work done now? Or you want later?  Please Save the designer as a Favorite for future use   Luxury logos here >   View & Save Custom logos here >   View & Save Manual Saving Process Make Favorite Make Favorite Get your Pro logo today and start your new successful business ! Thank you for your time

Professional Monkey Can Grow Sales

The Company Identity Logo Designed for The Online Market Called  Executive Monkey Here we are helping you with Professional Designer for your Branding your Business! See Work Portfolio Understanding Work Style Buyers Submitted Information  ----------------------------- Company Name : Executive Monkey  Slogan : None Details :  Hi I'm starting a new company for online retail. I already sell this item with a different brand for promotional items for executives and multiple companies. I will start to sell these items to the general public with this new brand. The items are like gadgets examples of items (key chains, pens, clocks for the desk, clocks for the wall, wall key chain holders, wine articles, table executive games, and multiple more)   The items I'm going to sell are items from the gift and premiums area. I will start to sell these items online for the general public instead of only for promotional purposes, in order to do this I n...

Afraid of Pop Rocks Types Buyer in Marketplace

Need Your Judgement First Please  Hi, There   here I'm sharing A designed Logo for Examine. How Much Mark you Judge for this Logo Design Out of 100?  Thanks in Advance For Your Valuable Time :)  Submitted Information -  Company Name -  Social Genius Tagline -  Be digitally smart Company Details -  We are a Social Media and Internet Marketing Agency /Consultancy. ( buyer Submitted ) See My Work Portfolio Design made   Please Give Mark This Design Comment Below  Now I'm telling you the Pop Rocks Type Hard Buyers.  After making the design I delivered it to the buyer. He was not Responsive! He was late for more than three days. So, according to Fiverr rules-  The Order was automatically marked as Completed. Then he has come & gave me, *** Star Satisfactory Experience.   Even he did not ...

Finance, Legal & Consulting

Company Name: Standard&Cape The company is a consultancy firm based in Ghana, focusing on legal, foreign policy, and development issues. They do The research, publish and advise on all areas of community and national development. The 'Standard' of the name reflects the work They hope to be doing with government agencies and the 'cape' reflects the work they do for communities. They are hoping to build a brand with international professional appeal. Order Details:   It was a Professional Plan :)  Professional Plan Details> > Two Concepts for Selection Printable High Resolution Logo Transparency JPEG & PNG Source File Mockup Here are the Multiple Designs Made By The Designer  of Our Community :) View Details of Bezly Rashni See More Contact The Designer - Bezlyrashni

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